Am 06.11.2007, 20:12 Uhr, schrieb Ken Winter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi Ken,

an interesting problem although probably not unique!

It seems like the components that might be able to pass this info to the
database are the ZSQL methods and/or the database adapter (PsycopgDA, in
this case).  So, questions:
1. Is there any way to get the info across with either of these components
as they currently exist?  If so, how?

Not currently as far as I know.

2. Would it be possible to modify or add on to either of the to do what is
needed?  If so, how?

Yes, you could quite easily extend the DA to pass the current Zope user and possibly extend any statements as required. Not sure if that is how you would want to do it that way. Have you an idea how you want to do this on the PostgreSQL side? Any chance of accepting an additional parameter?

3. Is having one Dhatabase user per Zope-level end user an alternative worth

I would think not as it is very much against the connection pool principle.

4. Any other ideas about how to solve this problem?

You might want to authenticate users for PostrgreSQL and Zope against the same system say using mod_auth? for apache and either XUF or PAS for Zope, as both allow you to hold your users outside of Zope. I'm not sure whether you wouldn't still be stuck with the problem of having the connection tied to a one user while wanting to log another.

Charlie Clark

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