Hi all,

I have switched from years old database adapter to SQLRelay, yep, it is rugged stable on unstable connections, but this adapter get all number values as strings (older version where numbers are numbers does not work with cp1250 - problem solved in 0.51 this year). I need numbers as numbers, of course, because application have thousands of queries.

I was try to change source in SQLrelay, but no success probably due academy-like code.

So as I know that Zope have readable code... I was make changes in /lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB in files RDB, Results, Aqueduct (*.py)

Again, all my changes are unsuccessfull.... seems like I was change some differ place, but no, if I make syntax error, zope wont start and changes in column names was OK too.

Would you like to help me, where is the right place to manipulate result values from ZSQL methods, please?

Many thanks,

J. Lukesh
Zope-DB mailing list

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