--On 20. August 2006 05:51:18 -0400 Harry Spier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear list members,

I am a Python programmer but not familiar with ZOPE.

I am building a website with a MYSQL database of text documents (several
thousand).  I need to construct a feature similar to a "find in files" of
a text editor.

I.e. the user will enter a text string in a form on the client-side and
be passed back a results page from the server giving all the lines in the
files in the Mysql database that contain that string. When he clicks on a
line in the results page it will cause the file containing that line to
be downloaded.

Are there features in ZOPE that do any of this kind of functionality.

What is the problem? Zope supports most databases (The Zope Book -> RDBMS chapter on plone.com is your primary sources). Using scripting with Python you can implement anything you want. But you really want to read about the basics first.


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