Re this error when adding a zwiki web:

  Error Type: KeyError
  Error Value: H?v`H?v$y_?-----------------------------006412673360557
  Content-Disposition: form-data; name="wiki_type" basic

Tony McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It is a Mac actually. IE 5.0. I've just asked a colleague to try
> creating a ZWikiWeb on his PC and it's worked fine!
> I do have other problems with IE 5.0 in that it has a limit on the
> number of things I can 'copy' and 'paste' - in general I don't bother
> doing it and export and reimport folders etc. I'd really like to know
> why it's behaving like that, I do have a *lot* of cookies in my IE and
> have also heard that the sequence in which HTTP headers are sent to IE
> can be an issue to (sigh)

Thanks, that helps a lot! To narrow it down, if not to solve it :(

It does appear that the problem is not with zwiki, but that HTTP form
data headers are being sent in some unusual format and confusing
zope. I wonder if you experience mac-IE-specific problems with other
zope forms or forms in general. I suppose it could be related to your
cut/paste problems.

I'm cc'ing the list, perhaps someone knows more.


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