On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 11:48 AM, Jim Fulton <j...@zope.com> wrote:
> I also committed a foul by unilaterally moving buildout development to
> github. This was originally just a fork for buildout 2, but helpers wanted
> to move 1 development there too and, well ... helpers. :)
> Anyway, the move of buildout to github wasn't a secret.

My foul was even greater than I thought.  I didn't change the license
(and don't particularly want to except...) and yet I carelessly let a
non-zope-contributor become a buildout developer.


Honestly, I wasn't even thinking in these terms and should have been.

I probably should have truly forked buildout if I wanted to be free
from the restriction of having only zope contributors. Maybe I still
should.  buildout probably shouldn't have been in the zope repo to
begin with.

It so happens that the one non-zope-contributor is planning to become a
zope contributor, we'll soon be in the state that all of the buildout
developers are contributors again.


Jim Fulton
Jerky is better than bacon! http://zo.pe/Kqm
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