On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 01:25:56AM -0400, Tim Peters wrote:
| >Note 2.9.4 changed the build procedure to be the same as 2.8.x again. I've
| >made the changes, and hopefully it should work just fine.
| The 2.9.4 build started failing here:
| ...
| mkdir -p "/cygdrive/c/Code/Zope2.9/inst/src"
| cd "/cygdrive/c/Code/Zope2.9/inst/src" && tar xzf ../tmp/Zope-2.9.4.tgz
| gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
| tar: Child returned status 1
| tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
| make: *** [src/Zope-2.9.4/inst/configure.py] Error 2

'ZOPEVERSION' in WinBuilders/mk/zope.mk is lacking the '-final'.

| I renamed the Zope 2.9.4 tarball download to worm around that, and
| then it failed here:
| mkdir -p "/cygdrive/c/Code/Zope2.9/inst/src"
| cd "/cygdrive/c/Code/Zope2.9/inst/src" && tar xzf ../tmp/Zope-2.9.4.tgz
| touch src/Zope-2.9.4/inst/configure.py
| touch: cannot touch `src/Zope-2.9.4/inst/configure.py': No such file
| or directory
| make: *** [src/Zope-2.9.4/inst/configure.py] Error 1
| Again it's fatally confused about whether the Zope tarball and/or
| unpacked directory root does or does not have "-final" in its name.  I
| didn't repair this, I just wormed around it again (I have no idea what
| the /intent/ is now).

The intent is that it works *wink*.

| Finally, the code for finding Inno Setup in common.mk was broken,
| trying to feed a native Windows path to the Cygwin bash shell.

Ah. It wasn't broken, just didn't work the way you expected *g*. What I did 
actually was to add a 'installer' target to the Windows makefile, so the steps 
I used where:

  python inst/configure.py (options?)
  nmake installer

The 'installer' target does:

   $(CD) inst && sh Winbuilders/buildout zope ZOPEVERSION=$(ZOPEVERSION)

So, it's actually running from 'cmd.exe', that's why it worked. Also
it's passing the correct 'ZOPEVERSION' variable, because that's read
from the 'canonical' place in versions.py.

I suggest that we document these steps instead of the previous ones,
because they are less likely to get out of sync, specially w/regards

Sidnei da Silva
Enfold Systems                http://enfoldsystems.com
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