- ploneout (http://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/ploneout/trunk) is really an environment that Plone 3 core developers could (should?) use as a consistent way of setting up a Zope 2.10 instance with Plone 3 and all dependencies. It uses svn:externals quite extensively to pull in Plone's source code into src/ (the eggs) and products/ (the products) with the intention that this is the code being developed. Ploneout's README.txt has more information about this scenario.

To through in an extra angle in this discussion, I would like to contribute the 
following thoughts.

Unless Utopia really exists I think developers all have their own thoughts 
about setting up their development environment. In my opinion buildout's target 
should be deployment of complex production systems.

I had to read the buildout documentation twice to even get a grip of it and 
yesterday I wondered around in a forest of recipes in ploneout. Although I see 
the value of buildout, copying over the entire buildout to setup a second 
sandbox, seems like a waste of disk space to me.

We work on quite a number of different projects at once and want to be able to 
reproduce a working instance (running the production Data.fs preferably). To 
service our environment we (mainly the van Rees brothers) wrote instancemanager.

We expect a minimal set of requirements:
- Python installed
- Zope libraries installed next to each other, e.g.
  /usr/local/zope/2.10.2, each version in a separate folder.

Using instancemanager you can:

* Create / Start / Stop / Restart instances

* Backup / Restore / Pack instance databases

* Install Products

* Run tests

* Generate Apache VirtualHost configs

* Easy upgrade Zope versions

During the Snowsprint we'll finish Windows compatibility and creation of Z3 

Minimal configuration in ~/.instancemanager/userdefaults.py to show 
instancemanager which zope's are available.

 zope_location_template = '/usr/local/zope/%(zope_verion)'

Each instance is then configured using a project.py.

Inside this project file we can define all needed instance configuration 

* Initial user and password

* Portnumbers

* Zope / Python version used

* Whether to use zeo, and how many zeo clients

* Sources to install in the Products or lib/python folder

  - symlink_sources : Allow svn checkouts of products to be linked.

  - symlinkbundle_sources : Allow for svn checkouts of bundles (3.0)

- archive_sources: Allow for official release tar files to be extracted.

- archivebundle_sources: Allow for official release tar bundles to be extracted.

 Sources are defined as a list of dicts:

     archive_sources = [

 Here I defined two developers tools that need to be downloaded and extracted to
the Products folder of my instance.
     symlinkbundle_sources = [
Here I define the 3.0 bundle of Zope Products that will be symlinked and for
 the second we added the key 'pylib' a value of True to indicate this set of 
 need to be linked in the lib/python folder.

 Sources are downloaded to a configurable location, instancemanager has set the
 following defaults:

    archive_basedir_template = /home/myuser/downloads
    archivebundle_basedir_template = /home/myuser/downloads
symlink_basedir_template = /home/myuser/svn
    symlinkbundle_basedir_template = /home/myuser/svn

 Downloading happens only once, to limit bandwidth.

Again most developers are pretty demanding about setting up a development 
Here at Zest most of us are comfortable with instancemanager.

There's an egg available in the cheeseshop, but for the latest features you can 
also checkout


Kind regards,


Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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