
This guideline <http://dev.zope.org/CVS/ZopeDevelopmentProcess> is very useful, but there are at least 2 questions it doesn't answer:

1.) How does it work with 2 release branches? (currently there are Zope-2_6-branch and Zope-2_7-branch)

2.) How to note the fix in the CHANGES.txt on the trunk if you want?

looking at current practise: ============================

Since Zope-2_7-branch was tagged, there were two changes affecting all 3 branches:

Collector #959/#514:

  CHANGES.txt Zope-2_6-branch: note in "2.6.2 beta 4" section
  CHANGES.txt Zope-2_7-branch: -
  CHANGES.txt            HEAD: -

Collector #953:

  CHANGES.txt Zope-2_6-branch: note in "2.6.2 beta 3" section
  CHANGES.txt Zope-2_7-branch: note in "2.7.0a2" section
  CHANGES.txt            HEAD: note in "HEAD only" section

"HEAD only" is definitely not true. Should HEAD's CHANGES.txt have a "2.6.2 beta 3" section?

Any thoughts? What's the Right Way to do it?



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