The Subversion repository now has a sandbox area for collaboration by contributors. This area has no constraints for checkins except those listed in the contributors agreement, and is intended to promote experimentation and easy, quick sharing.

Details and how-to are below.

After the discussion of demo packages ( and the constraints Jim mentioned for full-fledged inclusion in the Zope 3 repository (, we have set up a SVN sandbox for easy collaboration on prototypes and other experimentation by Zope contributors: /repos/main/Sandbox.

This lowers the bar for sharing significantly. The demos discussed in the thread above could be checked in without further modification, for instance. If they are modified to meet the standards for inclusion in the Zope 3 repository, development should move to the Zope 3 repository, or, for large or stand-alone efforts, to their own top-level project.

The genesis of the sandbox came from Zope 3; however, developers using Zope 2 should not feel left out. Zope 2 development is also welcome to use the Sandbox area.

Please see Jim's README in the top of the sandbox for his guidelines on use of the area:

If you are a contributor who wants to set up your corner of the sandbox, you'll want to make a directory there:
svn mkdir -m "<checkin message>" svn+ssh://< user name><your new sandbox name>

Replace the <checkin message>, < user name>, and <your new sandbox name>. The sandbox name should have your name in it, the name of your project in it, or both. For instance, my command was
svn mkdir -m "Making my corner of the sandbox" svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/repos/main/Sandbox/poster

Subversion should reply with "Committed revision <number>."

Then check out your new sandbox:
svn co svn+ssh://<your user name><your new sandbox name> <local name on your machine for the checkout>

For instance, my command was
svn co svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/repos/main/Sandbox/poster sandbox

Further Subversion information is available in the Subversion wiki:

Please use and enjoy!


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