On Jan 24, 2005, at 8:12 PM, Mark Hammond wrote:

A number of Enfold's customers have requested a reasonable logfile rotation
scheme for Zope on Windows. Enfold would like to work on this and
contribute it back to Zope. The intention of this mail is to find a
consensus on the general solution we should adopt, so we can supply patches
with the greatest chance of getting into the core.

Since ZConfig and zLOG are both designed to be extensible. They are built so that new loggers can be created without any changes to the Zope core. It seems to me that most of this could be handled by an add-on package. The ZConfig documentation <http://svn.zope.org/ZConfig/trunk/doc/zconfig.pdf?rev=440&view=log> has as its extension example how to add a new logger (a "log to a pager" logger) to the system. (Of course once this is built, this add-on package could migrate to the core if there is a compelling need, either packaging convenience (Windows users don't need to grab an extra package to manage their systems well.) or so that enhancements to zLOG's loghandlers can keep the win32 loggers in mind.)

As a rough cut, this will create a logger with a logrotate behavior similar to what you are looking for.

# empty file to signify a package.

<component prefix="win32logger.LogHandlers">
<!-- extend the logging subsystem with a new file logger -->
  <import package="zLOG"/>

  <sectiontype name="win32-logfile" datatype=".Win32FileHandlerFactory"
               implements="zLOG.loghandler" extends="logfile">
    <key name="rotate-path" required="yes"/>

import zLOG
import os

class Win32FileHandler(zLOG.LogHandlers.FileHandler):
        """" A file based loghandler that renames on rotate """
    def __init__(self, path, rotate_path):
        self.rotateFilename = rotate_path

    def reopen(self):
        error = None
            os.rename(self.baseFilename, self.rotateFilename)
        except OSError, err:
            error = err
        self.stream = open(self.baseFilename, self.mode)
        if error:
            zLOG.LOG("Win32Logger", zLOG.ERROR, "Rotate Error", error)

class Win32FileHandlerFactory(zLOG.datatypes.FileHandlerFactory):
def create_loghandler(self):
return Win32FileHandler(self.section.path,self.section.rotate_path)

and then adjust the zope.conf with:

%import win32logger

  level all
    level DEBUG
    path $INSTANCE/log/-event.log
    rotate-path $INSTANCE/log/event.log.closed

<logger access> level WARN <win32-logfile> path $INSTANCE/log/Z2.log rotate-path $INSTANCE/log/Z2.log.closed </win32-logfile>


Of course, it needs to be fleshed out with better error handling, etc.

Although time consuming, maybe the better behavior would be to have the reopen method copy the current log to the backup file and then seek() and truncate() the original file. That would take longer to rotate, but would protect against log files whose close() succeed but open() fails.

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