[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 releases?

2007-10-06 Thread Brandon Craig Rhodes
Stephan Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> - We need to decide what a Zope 3 release is (or maybe multiple
>> flavors).  I favor copying the linux experiences, but have an open
>> mind.
> I like the Linux parallel as well. I think it would be nice, if we
> treat the Zope 3 name like Debian, and Grok or other frameworks on
> top of it like Knoppix or other Debian-derived distributions.

There is danger here.  Many in the industry consider Linux to be an
absolute disaster - because after you develop an application on one
distribution, you can spend months trying to support customers who
attempt to run it on other distributions!  In the wider Unix world
things are even worse.  Tools like "autoconf" absorb months and years
of developer effort to simply get products to compile everywhere.

I will suggest an alternative model: Python.

The Zope project should not operate like Linux, but like Python.

The magic of Python is that it comes with a Standard Library.  I am
sure, of course, that it takes the Python developers much more time to
come out with each version of Python because they have to keep the
Standard Library working; I am sure it is troublesome trying to get
all the volunteer maintainers on board when they want the next release
to meet its deadline; and it seems obvious that both Python and each
Standard Library module could evolve faster on their own, without
their releases tied to each other.

But what an immense benefit results!  The normal Python coder, who
stands outside the development of the language itself, needs to only
be told "this is Python 2.4", and knows automatically not only which
core features the language will have, but, also, what versions of one
hundred other packages he will be working with.  Hearing "2.5" not
only tells you that iterator comprehensions are available, but that
"datetime" has finally grown a .strptime class method!

Now, it sounds like Zope is about to stop being like Python and start
being like the current Wild West of Linux distributions.  If I want to
write a WebWidget in the future, and want it to work with Grok, and
Zope on Wheels, and ZopeSprockets, and whatever other frameworks might
come along, then I will be faced with situations like "Well, Grok has
already moved up to zope.security 3.7, which means I can use key cards
natively!  Hmm, but the other frameworks have not upgraded past 3.6; I
will have to special-case key-cards for them.  On the other hand, Grok
stayed with zope.templates 3.5 because they piled so many extensions
on top that they didn't get time to redevelop them for 3.6, so I'm
going to have to fake push-masking in Grok..."

In conclusion (and there's a dozen more arguments I want to make, but
I think they're all pretty obvious if you start drawing more analogies
like the ones above), I think that breaking Zope into eggs makes about
as much sense as shipping Python bare and making users assemble
working sets of the Standard Library out of Cheeseshop eggs.  While
perhaps saving a bit of time for the core developers, and perhaps
letting new releases come a bit faster since they are not all linked
together in a big release, the result of such a move will be to
inflict a terrible cost on the normal developer, who will have to
re-invent "autoconf" for Zope in order to have any hope of people
using his WebWidget.

While I'm being all contrary, I might as well make a whimsical
suggestion, a small gedankenexperiment: what if we went beyond the
suggestion that I am making here - which is that all "core" Zope 3
eggs continue to be released at the same time with a "big version
number" attached, exactly like Python and its Standard Library are -
and actually encouraged other tools and frameworks to "join in" and
follow the same cycle?  What, in other words, if there were some way
for the WebWidget author - who, you will recall, wants people using
all sorts of Zope-based frameworks to be able to use his product - to
package his product such that you got the "right version" for the
version of Zope you were using?  So that someone who put "webwidget"
in their "install_requires" stanza would get the "3.4" version if they
were using "Zope 3.4", and "3.5" if their Zope version was "3.5", and
so forth?

Then, not only would all of the Zope core packages be evolving in
lockstep, but third-party tools could voluntarily "follow along" with
the release cycle schedule, and be able to guarantee that things kept
working smoothly for their users.

It would be like having to grab the Python-LDAP that claims to work
with the Python version you're working with, but where the selection
was made automatically without your having to think about it.

Brandon Craig Rhodes   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://rhodesmill.org/brandon

Zope3-dev mailing list
Unsub: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/options/zope3-dev/archive%40mail-archive.com

[Zope3-dev] Re: reasonable syntax for multi-adaptation

2007-09-26 Thread Brandon Craig Rhodes
Tres Seaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> IFoo.adapt() for normal adaptation
>> IFoo.multiadapt() for multi adaptation
> I'd rather have 'adapt' take *args for the contexts, and keywords
> for extras (like name).

And you could make the "default=" another possible extra!  In which
case our proposals at the moment compare something like this:

  Utility?  IFoo()
  Single adaptation IFoo(a)
  ... with default  IFoo(a, default=y)
  Multi adaptation  IFoo(multi=(a,b))
  ... with default  IFoo(multi=(a,b), default=y)
  Named multi adapter   IFoo(multi=(a,b), name='z')
  ... with default  IFoo(multi=(a,b), name='z', default=y)

  Utility   IFoo.adapt()
  Single adaptation IFoo.adapt(a)
  ... with default  IFoo.adapt(a, default=y)
  Multi adaptation  IFoo.adapt(a,b)
  ... with default  IFoo.adapt(a,b, default=y)
  Named multi adapter   IFoo.adapt(a,b, name='z')
  ... with default  IFoo.adapt(a,b, name='z', default=y)

Well, I have to admit, yours are a lot prettier.  The word "adapt"
takes no more characters than my "multi", and parenthesis disappear!
And though I might quibble that "adapt()" would be better spelled
"utility()", there is a nice symmetry about your idea.

 - Both patterns make it explicit to anyone reading the code when a
   default value is being passed, which should vastly reduce surprise.

 - Mine feels more natural and Pythonic to people who, like PvW in his
   book, think of adaptation as being like casting.

 - On the other hand, adaptation is *not* casting, and having to spell
   out "adapt" really makes for explicit code!  And the very natural
   handling of single or multiple *args in your scheme is very pretty.

 - My scheme requires the coder to remember that multi-adaption is
   "done differently" than normal adaption; yours does not.

 - My scheme, by requiring the magic keyword "multi=", leaves the user
   in the same dratted danger as before - that he will call IFoo(a, b)
   and think that he's multiply adapting!

Given those last two points, I must abandon my earlier proposal and
respond to that of Martijn and Tres with:


Brandon Craig Rhodes   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://rhodesmill.org/brandon
Zope3-dev mailing list
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[Zope3-dev] Re: reasonable syntax for multi-adaptation

2007-09-26 Thread Brandon Craig Rhodes
Jim Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sep 26, 2007, at 10:04 AM, Brandon Craig Rhodes wrote:
>> Instead, multi-adaption should look like this:
>>   IFoo(multi=(obj1, obj2))
>>   IFoo(multi=(obj1, obj2), name='site_foo')
> Ah, using keyword arguments to get around limitations (especially
> backward compatibility issues) with the current API is a neat idea.
> If we were going to do this though, I think a method syntax would be
> cleaner.  As in:
>   IFoo.adapt([ob1, ob2], 'site_foo', None)


Unfortunately the singular verb "adapt" makes it look like normal
adaptation is what is being called for - it looks here like you are
trying to adapt a list to the IFoo interface.

Maybe ".multiadapt()"?

> Note that IFoo(ob) has some special semantics that don't apply to
> the multi- or named-adapter case.

Agreed!  The semantics are different.  But mightn't we simply document
this difference between single- and multi-adaptation everywhere we
need to, rather than letting it force us into splitting the adapter
syntax into two unwieldy pieces?  I would not imagine that I would be
confused encountering documenting that said:

Call IFoo(x) to adapt a single object "x" to the IFoo interface,
and IBar(multi=(x,y)) to have the adapter registry find and invoke
a multi-adapter that adapts the pair of objects "x" and "y" to the
IBar interface.  When performing single adaptation, the object "x"
itself is simply returned if it already offers the IFoo interface;
and if the object offers a __conform__ method, then this is called
with the IFoo interface as its argument in place of the normal
adaptation machinery.

So, I am not sure that I see yet the problem with "mixing APIs".

For me, the essential issue is that in both single- and multi-
adaptation you are returned an instance of an adapter that has been
instantiated with the objects you are adapting.  Both of these


suggest this fact, even to the novice Python programmer, because they
make it look like something is being instantiated with the arguments
given, and returned.  Doesn't the benefit of such clarity and symmetry
outweigh whatever slight awkwardness might exist in the sort of
documentation I suggested above?

> An added complication is that interfaces don't provide adaption
> directly, but via a hook. The existing hook api wouldn't work for
> mult or named adaptation, so a new hook would be needed.

I had assumed that IBar(multi=(obj1, obj2)) would simply dispatch to
the existing getMultiAdapter() call; how, exactly, would hooks get
involved and complicate things?  Feel free to just cite a line number
and tell me to go read, all I need is a pointer to get started
understanding this.

Brandon Craig Rhodes   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://rhodesmill.org/brandon
Zope3-dev mailing list
Unsub: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/options/zope3-dev/archive%40mail-archive.com

[Zope3-dev] reasonable syntax for multi-adaptation

2007-09-26 Thread Brandon Craig Rhodes
The current syntax for multi-adaptation makes the interface look like
an object of the adaptation, rather than the actor in the operation.
Instead, multi-adaption should look like this:

  IFoo(multi=(obj1, obj2))


  IFoo(multi=(obj1, obj2), name='site_foo')

The first draft of such an implementation could simply intercept a
"multi" keyword passed to InterfaceBasePy.__call__(), and hand control
over to the traditional getMultiAdapter.  The old getMultiAdapter call
should always remain available, but code will become much easier to
read as the new syntax is adopted and single- and multi-adaptation
become visually congruent.

I'll be happy to develop a patch and test cases.

Brandon Craig Rhodes   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://rhodesmill.org/brandon
Zope3-dev mailing list
Unsub: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/options/zope3-dev/archive%40mail-archive.com