Hi Benji,

Benji York wrote:
Chris Withers wrote:

Log message for revision 40363:
Add some docs for using underlying mechanize functionality to do introspection.

I actually don't want to support any exposure of mechanize functionality in zope.testbrowser. Mechanize is an implementation detail (although a very important one) and may change in the future.

I think the documentation I added makes this clear.

We will probably be adding support for using XPath to do this type of inspection of the HTML in the future, but until then this change should be reverted.

How will XPath help me with that specific example?

I'm all for reverting that change when either:

- mechanize is replaced with something else

- testbrowser itself provides a way for doing decent introspection.

The other change I made is due to he fact that to meaningfully do file uploading with testbrowser, you currently _have_ to reach inside and use the underlying mechanize functionality, for the reasons I explained...

So, in short, yes I agree with you but please don't back anything out until something better is available!



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
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