
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.     
    Investment Company"ROSINVEST-TRUST" is a mediator between large corporate 
enterprises and customers. We provide access to share market of large 
corporations (GasProm, Aeroflot, Sibneft, Ugansk-Neftegas ) to virtually any 
Our global agent network helps to obtain our service from any place around the 

   Our company is glad to offer you Work the Internet of the manager in our 
Working with our company, you can earn from 500 euros up to 1200 euros day.   

    For what to get a job in our company you should have the bank account    

    Our company offers you legal and highly paid work   

   Principle of work:     
    On your bank account  account will act money of our clients   
    You should take money, and send 90 % of money on system of remittances 
Western Union or e-gold.   
     Our company will pay to you cost of transportation and charges on sending 
of money in Western Union.    
    You can, earn, yours of 10 % not spending money for the commissions.    

     Plus of work with our company:     

- You can earn up to 4000 euros a week (further the salary will raise) 
- You can sign the contract with our company for the first 3 years of work.
- To work to you it will be necessary no more than 3 hours per day (From Monday 
till Friday)
- An opportunity of increase on career ladders up to the main manager and the 
Chief of department (with increase of your wages)
- Working with our company, you can receive free-of-charge holiday by family 
yearly for the sum not exceeding 2500 euros.
- Our company does not demand from you an operational experience and higher 

Our company will give up to you in reception of work only on the given 

- If you have problems with authorities
- If you still do not have 18 years.

     For reception of work of the manager in our company you will need to fill 
in the form of registration on a site of our company:  ( 
http://www.rosinvest-trading.net/ )      

   After you fill in the registration form, our operator will contact you 
through phone or your e-mail during 24 hours from the moment of filling the 

Hurry up.
The amount  of workplaces in our company is limited.



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