Michel (and anyone else with experience with RDFLib on the list), I recently looked at RDFLib (http://rdflib.net/) and came away (after an hour or so) with a good first impression.

My biggest disappointment was that, from the perspective of a Zope 3 developer, using it alongside other Zope 3 indexes (and other intid- based data structures) meant that I would have to externally convert to and from RDF in order to merge results and convert the RDF URIs to objects. It would be much more efficient if I could have an RDF resource class that represented an intid, and even more efficient if I could get IFBTrees back directly from searches that somehow included the intids. Then I could leverage the relationship and keyword capabilities of RDFLib while also merging results efficiently with other index-like data structures in Zope 3. The intid-specific resources could even have stable URI representations without too much trouble, so that they could be exported and imported with RDFLib, if desired.

Have you thought about that use case? If one used a variation of your back end that assigned intids to non-intid-based resources like URIs and Literals and stored the relationships via intids, you could store the data as IFBTrees and offer up an API to get "raw" IFBTree results. Any obvious ways that would be a problem? Does it feel reasonable to you? Any suggestions?

I'm generally interested in RDFLib, your use of it, and your hopes for it, if you feel like holding forth. :-)

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