[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-Users] Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Rob Jeschofnik

Stephan Richter wrote:

Okay, I am giving in on this. There is a three step process that will have to 
be fullfilled to assign a codename to the Zope 3.3 release.

Surely codenames are only really useful or meaningful for software that 
is going to be branded, but the marketing/branding teams haven't yet 
come up with the brand? You need some way to describe the project, so 
you use a codename until the real name and brand have been decided upon.

We've already got "Zope 3" .. I don't really see any need to start using 
Unless, of course, people just want to feel cool by saying "I'm 
currently working on Glubberzortlet" or whatever.

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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-Users] Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Martijn Faassen

Hi there,

Just to drop a note that I think a discussion about a potential brand 
name for Zope 3 is far less important than actually fixing our website 
and presenting Zope 3 (and Zope 2 for that matter) in a better way.

Perhaps we can better redirect our energies to that than to have long 
(but easy, as everybody can say something without having to do anything) 
discussions about something that in the end isn't going to matter that 

Zope 3 already has a recognized brand as a rewrite of Zope 2 in the 
community - let's go with that.

A brandname won't help us a bit if we don't do anything with it to 
present it properly, so the website is primary again there too. If we 
suddenly all start to talk about Zope 3 "Odyssey" without updating our 
website I fear we'll end up looking like flailing around wildly to keep 
up instead, and confusing people more.

If we do manage to build a new website and are a good way done with it, 
*then* is the time to discuss possible branding options.


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