[Zope3-dev] Re: December release post-mortem

2006-01-20 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Martijn Faassen wrote:
>>> Yes, but Zope 2 included *less* than Zope 3 in the most recent
>>> release, and I'd like *all* packages that are in a Zope 3 release to
>>> be available in a Zope 2 release. I.e. Five doesn't want packages
>>> that aren't in a Zope 3 release, but not less either.
>> I'm surprised that it included less. 
> It was a bug, and I think some of it already got resolved (Philipp would
> know more), but it wasn't noticed until fairly late, as during
> development such dependencies are development.

It included less due to an oversight on my side. I forgot to make the
Zope 2 release depend on certain new zope.app packages that zope.app
didn't already depend on. They were not included in Zope 2.9b1, but
2.9b2 quickly fixed that.

It was my mistake. I don't think anything would've made it easier
catching that mistake other than reports from the people. Also, it's a
mute point now (please let's bury it!) as b2 already fixed it.

While I got this email open, I'd like to quickly add my EUR0.02 as a
summary of this thread:

* Breaking Zope (3 that is) into subprojects is extremely useful.
zope.testing was a good example, the next things should be
zope.interface+zope.schema and zope.pagetemplate+zope.tales+zope.tal etc
because there are actually standalone releases of these things or at
least people using these things separately from Zope.

* Moving things that aren't immanent to the Zope 3 application server
out of zope.app is also a good thing. I suspect this is mostly a
mechanical change (dropping the 'app' in the import name). Ideally this
should indeed leave us with a zope.app that is so Zope3-specific that it
isn't of any use for Zope 2.

* We should indeed avoid having to include certain Zope 3 things into
Zope 2 that don't make any sense in Zope 2. The whole zope.app.twisted
machinery is an example. Currently we're not running zope.app tests in
Zope 2 because we would have to stitch in twisted into Zope 2 svn!

* Zope 2 should continue to use and provide as much Zope 3 functionality
as Zope 3 does. This "policy" brought us zope.formlib to Zope 2.9 which
is already being enjoyed by some Five developers!

* We should get rid of vendor imports such as pytz, docutils and those
testbrowser dependencies. Eggs will make this very trivial. We won't
even be concerned about development mode or not because we're not
modifying them anyways.

I think the decision for time-based releases is a success, mostly
because I already know when a new Zope release is to expected and
roughly what features it'll bring. As someone who puts a lot of effort
in Zope 3 documentation I find this extremely valuable as a planning asset.

As for the December release itself, I'm not too impressed. On the
Five/Zope 2 side of things it was more than people bargained for, namely
the port of Five to Zope 3.2 and the packaging of Zope 2 with zpkg. It
might be due to the fact that this was our first time-based release and
people were just used to releases being postponed when they didn't find
the time to commit to a schedule. Obviously this we can't continue like
this in the future.

If we move the release up to May (I'm +1) then feature freeze is in
April. That effectively leaves us not much more than two months worth of
time for work on Zope 3.3/2.10. What I want to say with this is that the
right time to work on Zope 3.3/2.10 is *now*, not some time in the summer.

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[Zope3-dev] Re: December release post-mortem

2006-01-19 Thread Derrick Hudson
On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 07:00:43AM -0500, Jim Fulton wrote:
| Stephan Richter wrote:
| >On Wednesday 18 January 2006 19:09, Jim Fulton wrote:
| >
| >>>You know my position concerning the repository and the release; I'd
| >>>prefer them to be kept as similar as possible to simplify the release
| >>>process. I hope we can go in that direction. It also makes things more
| >>>predictable to developers. We noticed that some Zope 3 packages weren't
| >>>packaged into Zope 2 after the release, even though in a developer's
| >>>sandbox of Zope 2 they were there.
| >>
| >>Right. If eggs work out, then a respository check out will be a lot
| >>smaller, but will download needed eggs.  This would be a replacement of 
| >>the
| >>use of externals we have now.
| >
| >
| >Oh, this will make development so much more tedious. Let's say 
| >zope.testbrowser is an egg and I discover a bug in zope.textbrowser while 
| >doing some other Zope 3 development, I have to check out zope.testbrowser, 
| >fix the bug, check it in, download the new egg and hope it fixed my Zope 3 
| >problem. Honestly this is far too much and I will at most make a bug 
| >report.
| I beliave that Eggs have a development mode in which you can work on the 
| source.

Concerning eggs, I have read the front-page description but haven't
worked with them.  However I do have experience with developing
Eclipse plugins and the concept sounds about the same.  Eggs seem more
akin to Eclipse plugins than to Java jars.

Here's how it works in eclipse, and I believe that "development mode"
of the eggs is the same:  in your workspace you check out all of the
plugins/eggs that you are working on.  When you launch the
application, the system will use the plugins/eggs from the workspace
as they are in the directory structure.  You do not need to separately
modify, build, release, and install a dependent plugin/egg.

I think this will work well to make zope's packaging and distribution
as modular as the code itself is.  Each plugin/egg can be released in
its own right at its own time (as applicable) and will be easy for
other applications to reuse various components and, at least as I see
it from my eclipse experience, will not hurt the development process
of zope.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: December release post-mortem

2006-01-18 Thread Rocky Burt
Andreas Jung wrote:
> I think 2.9.0 is the _real_ 2.9 beta which will be widely used by ppl :-)

Isn't this always the case? :)(ie with all 2.x.0 releses)

- Rocky

Rocky Burt
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