Hi Jacob, Thomas

> Betreff: Re: AW: [Zope3-dev] Re: AW: Are pagelets content providers?
> Hi Roger,
> I didn't follow this discussion closely but thought this 
> needed a comment.
> Roger Ineichen wrote:
> [snip lots of context...]
> > Did you recognize that the __init__ are different.
> >
> > A IContentProvider defines:
> >
> > def __init__(self, context, request, view)
> >     self.context = context
> >     self.request = request
> >     self.view = view
> >
> > and a IPagelet defines:
> >
> > def __init__(self, context, request):
> >     self.context = context
> >     self.request = request
> >
> > Probably we should describe this in the interface too.
> > This whould manifest the difference of content provider 
> which provide 
> > content and pagelets whcih defines content in a better way.
> >   
> It would make sense to have the 'view' attribute a part of 
> the IContentProvider interface, and *that* might make them 
> different.  The constructor signature  is all about the class 
> instead of the instance and should therefore *not* be part of 
> the interface.
> It is perfectly reasonable to have a number of different 
> (multi-)adapters with different signatures that adapt to the 
> same interface.
> Hope this makes sense.  I'll go back to lurking now.

Yes you are right, that was the reason I didn't define the 
__init__ method in the interface. But I still think a 
IPagelet isn't a IContentProvider by default. Of corse 
another class can be defined as IContentProvider and IPagelet. 
Such a class whould then provide a different __init__ method 
then the pagelet does right now.

Should we implement a z3c.form/z3c.pagelet package?
There we could support z3c.form base classes built
up on pagelets.

Probably called z3c.formpagelet which contains
IPageletForm, IPageletAddForm etc.

Roger Ineichen

> Regards
>   Jacob
> --
> Jacob Holm
> Improva ApS
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