On Mar 17, 2007, at 2:26 PM, Nando Quintana wrote:

Hi guys,

Mikel and me are testing some zope3 features in the camp5 sprint in North Carolina and have seen an strange behaviour on the setindex.

the 'all_of' query performs an intersection of the results got for each value in the query. But whe one of the values takes no results, the 'values_to_documents.get(v)' returns None and the IFBTree.intersection() of 'anytree' with None returns 'anytree'.

We think that should return an empty tree instead. ¿?

Here you have a patch to include this use case in the tests and another patch to implement this feature:


Thanks, Nando.  Yes, this is a good catch.

I have committed tests and fix to the trunk (r73305) and uploaded an egg to http://download.zope.org/distribution/ (zc.catalog-1.2dev_r73305-py2.4.egg).

I have also committed tests and fix to the 1.1 branch (r73306), uploaded eggs to PyPI (http://www.python.org/pypi/zc.catalog), and made a tag (1.1.1).


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