[Zope3-Users] Choice Field with MultiCheckBoxWidget?

2007-10-02 Thread Christian Klinger
Hi, i try to have a form with an ChoiceField rendered as a MultiCheckBoxWidget. interfaces.py - berechtigung = schema.Choice(title=_(u'Berechtigung'), description=_(u'Berechtiung'),

[Zope3-Users] Re: Choice Field with MultiCheckBoxWidget?

2007-10-02 Thread Christian Klinger
Christian Klinger schrieb: Hi, i try to have a form with an ChoiceField rendered as a MultiCheckBoxWidget. interfaces.py - berechtigung = schema.Choice(title=_(u'Berechtigung'), description=_(u'Berech

[Zope3-Users] Selectwidgets (Object is of wrong type)

2007-10-02 Thread Maken Seteva
Hi! I'm having serious problems with getting a selectwidget/ dropdownwidget working.. What I want to do is to add a widget for the language field of a MessageCatalog. Btw, a snippet from the interface (in zope.app.i18n.messagecatalog): class IMessageCatalog(Interface): #... language

Re: [Zope3-Users] Selectwidgets (Object is of wrong type)

2007-10-02 Thread Leonardo Rochael
You are probably experiencing a ValidationError in the .validate() method of your "language" field. This is probably because TextLine expect the values to be unicode whereas the vocabulary in your widget has (8-bit) string values ("voc = SimpleVocabulary.fromItems([('de','German'), ('en','English