I have spent some time tracking down a cache problem that I have been
experiencing. My responses are not cached because a cookie is always set.

I use (a modified version of) a sessions credentials plugin to control
user access to the site.

This plugin in turn uses:

     session = ISession(request)

This triggers session.py which uses CookieClientIdManager method


getClientId() sets the request id back into the response (unless third
party sessions are used).

        sid = self.getRequestId(request)
        if sid is None:
            if self.thirdparty:
                raise MissingClientIdException
                sid = self.generateUniqueId()

        if not self.thirdparty:                     *********
            self.setRequestId(request, sid)         *********

        return sid

I believe that the indentation is wrong on the lines marked and the
intention is that the requestId should be set if sid is None (not set).

If the code above is correct, then I will have do change over to a third
party session tracker.

Can anyone confirm whether this code is incorrect?



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