Jim Washington wrote:
> David Johnson wrote:
>> Thanks to everyone for the MySQL assistance.  We use Debian and I just
>> installed the python-mysqlda (seems obvious in retrospect).
>> In any case, after I install the python adapater, I get the following
>> when starting zope:
>> ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'menu', "ImportError:
>> Couldn't import add_connection, No module named add_connection")
> I think there used to be an "add_connection" menu provided by
> zope.app.rdb, and I imagine it had a purpose for ttw development.  It's
> gone as of Zope 3.2 (maybe earlier), so what has worked for me is
> commenting-out or removing the configuration in mysqldbda/configure.zcml:
> <!-- Menu entry for "add connection" menu -->
> <!--  <browser:menuItem
>      menu="add_connection"
>      for="zope.app.container.interfaces.IAdding"
>      title="MySQL DA"
>      description="A MySQL Database Adapter"
>      action="AddMySQLdbDA"
>      />-->

Looks like a <browser:addMenuItem /> directive should replace this.


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