Shailesh Kumar wrote:
I have some doubts regarding the working of placelesssetup. I am not familiar with its workings.

Is it ok to run a placelesssetup when a zope instance is already running?

No. PlacelessSetup modifies the global component architecture registries.

Does it create its own site structure in memory? (I saw a buildSampleFolderTree in

That has nothign to do with PlacelessSetup.

Does all the content created during placelesssetup go away when the test using placelesssetup finishes?

PlacelessSetup creates no content. buildSampleFolderTree simply creates a folder structure, it is up to you (or your test) to either store it somewhere or not. Tests should obviously never store anything, which is why even functional tests don't open the standard ZODB storage, but an in-memory one.

Note that using PlacelessSetup is often overkill. Its widespread usage is rather historical. In most cases nowadays, it's enough to

* register the components you need with zope.component.provide* during your test setUp

* clean up using zope.testing.clean.cleanUp() in your test tearDown

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