Alek Kowalczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I found that when submitting "Save" action (i.e exit from Input Mode), 
> then in the FormBase.validate(self, action, data) function 
> self.widgets contains:
> (a) "Input" versions of my widgets if the handler decorator is  
> <at> parentAction
> (b) "Display" versions of my widgets if the handler decorator is 
> <at> itemAction
> Because of that, in (b) case the FormBase.validate code (below) does not load
> data with the values supplied by user. 
>         return (getWidgetsData(self.widgets, self.prefix, data)
>                 + checkInvariants(self.form_fields, data))
> But still not sure if it is a bug, or I just use itemAction incorrectly.
> Regards!
> Alek.

I found where the bug is. 
It is in MultiFormBase.checkInputModeAction in the line marked with three stars.
There is a missing '.' between item key and action name
    def checkInputModeAction(self, action):
        if interfaces.IItemAction.providedBy(action):
            for key in self.forms:
***             name = self.prefix + '.sf.' + key + action.__name__
                if name in self.request.form:
                    return action.inputMode
        if interfaces.IParentAction.providedBy(action):
            name = self.prefix + '.' + action.__name__
            if name in self.request.form:
               return action.inputMode
        return None

The line should be changed to:
                name = self.prefix + '.sf.' + key + '.' + action.__name__

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