On Sunday 04 May 2008, nixon wrote:
> I configured a reource folder, in which I dropped a gzipped javascript
> file. When fetching from server, it seems not to be unzipped.
> Is it possible to configure the content-coding for such static resource
> response? Or must I do it like a normal view?

I am pretty sure the default resource is pretty ignorant about compressed 
content. You can always write your own resource, like this::

  class ZippedResource(SomeBaseResource):
      filename = None

  ZippedJQuery = type('ZippedJQuery', (ZippedResource,),
      {'filename': 'jquery.js.zip'})

and in ZCML:

      permission="zope.View" />

Stephan Richter
Web Software Design, Development and Training
Google me. "Zope Stephan Richter"
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