On Saturday 15 September 2007 19:04, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
>  >>> from zope.component import getSiteManager
>  >>> reg = getSiteManager()
>  >>> from pprint import pprint
>  >>> for info in reg.registeredAdapters():
> ...     pprint((info.required, info.provided, info.factory, info.name))
> ...
> This will probably drown you with information, though. One step would be
> to constrain the output only to browser views, in other words, 2-way
> multi-adapters whose second required interface is or extends
> IBrowserRequest:
>  >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
>  >>> for info in reg.registeredAdapters():
> ...     if (len(info.required) == 2 and
> ...         info.required[1].isOrExtends(IBrowserRequest)):
> ...         pprint((info.required, info.provided, info.factory,
> ...                 info.name))
> ...
> For better findability, you might want to search by name now. This is
> left up to the skilled reader as an exercise ;)

For more specific searches on global site managers, you can use the apidoc 
apis. They implement a lot of the searches that are commonly interesting:

>>> from zope.app.apidoc import presentation
>>> for reg in presentation.getViews(IFolder):
...    print reg.required, reg.provided, reg.factory, reg.name

There are a lot more helpful functions there and they are all well-documented.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
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