On Dec 23, 2005, at 4:43 PM, Pawel Sawicki wrote:


Recently I've decided to use Zope as a framework for an application that I'm planning to write as a part of my B.Sc. thesis. I also chose to use
Zope3, though it's not as well documented (yet) and widely used as the
previous version.

I'd say Zope 3 is actually much *better* documented than Zope 2.

And unfortunately *it* surfaced at the very beginning...

The problem is that I can't run the simplest application.

I went through http://www.plope.com/Books/2_7Edition/ZPT.stx and I tried
to run the exemplary application (the chapter should be finished
according to: http://www.plope.com/Books/zb_signup):

I'm afraid you probably won't get very far using the Zope 2.7 edition book with Zope 3.

You might try the Zope 3 Book, instead:

<http://www.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ComponentArchitecture/ FrontPage/Zope3Book>


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