On Monday 04 September 2006 03:17, Karel Antonio Verdecia Ortiz wrote:
> I have seen tha in plone, I can call a macro dynamically:
>     <div metal:use-macro="python:path(macro_path)" />
> Is there someone who can tell me the correct way to do this in zope3?

First of all, don't use macros that much.

We have the zope.contentprovider and zope.viewlet package that provides a lot 
more flexibility and is much more Zope-3-ish. I think some people have 
written tutorials how to use it effectively.

As a side note: I believe that anyone who builds Zope 3 applications without 
using those two packages is fool and makes his life much harder than it could 
be. :-)

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
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