On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 5:16 AM, Tim Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the zopeproject instructions for adding dependencies the indication
> is that (once the egg is installed) I would just have to add it to the
> configure.zcml
> But ...
>  <!-- Add your own component registrations here -->
>    <include package="z3c.formdemo" />
> yields this configuration error:
>    ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
> "/home/tim/buildout-eggs/z3c.formdemo-1.5.1-py2.4.egg/z3c/formdemo/configure.zcml",
>  line 11.2-11.29
>    ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
> "/home/tim/buildout-eggs/z3c.formdemo-1.5.1-py2.4.egg/z3c/formdemo/skin/configure.zcml",
>  line 22.2
>    ConfigurationError: ('Unknown directive',
> u'http://namespaces.zope.org/browser', u'zrt-resource')
> I looks like zrt-resource and everything else that z3c.formdemo needs is
> defined in application.zcml but is not it isn't registered in
> z3c.formdemo/configure.zcml So now I added it to my
> zopeproject/configure.zcml
>  <!-- Add your own component registrations here -->
>    <include package="z3c.formdemo" file="application.zcml"/>
>    <include package="z3c.formdemo" />
>    File
> "/home/tim/buildout-eggs/z3c.formdemo-1.5.1-py2.4.egg/z3c/formdemo/application.zcml",
>  line 23.2-23.47
>        <browser:menu id="zmi_views" title="Views" />
>    File
> "/home/tim/buildout-eggs/zope.app.zcmlfiles-3.4.3-py2.4.egg/zope/app/zcmlfiles/menus.zcml",
>  line 5.2-9.8
>        <menu
>            id="zmi_views"
>            title="Views"
>            description="Menu for displaying alternate representations
> of an object"
>            />
> So by now I am certain that there is something very fundamental about
> this third-party registration process that I don't understand.
> Any help is appreciated.

Unfortunately, adding 3rd party packages is still somewhat
non-trivial.  The problem is that although the setup.py files do
properly reference all dependencies for a given package, the
configure.zcml files for those packages typically do not include their
zcml dependencies.  I consider this a bug and would really like to fix
it at some point.  In the mean time though, if you want to play with
z3c.formdemo, you should just set it up as a stand alone application
rather than adding it to another package as a dependency.  See the
pypi page for instructions on how to do this:
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/z3c.formdemo/.  Since it's only five
lines, I'll just paste it into this email:

$ svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/z3c.formdemo/trunk formdemo
$ cd formdemo
$ python bootstrap.py
$ ./bin/buildout
$ ./bin/demo fg

Hope that helps!

Paul Carduner
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