
it works now. I had a stupid error in my Folder-Implementation. Sorry.

Andre Schubert

On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 16:30:43 +0200
Andre Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> iam working on an large project since several years implemented with Zope2.
> Now its time to make a big rework of our project, and thats the right time to 
> switch it to Z3.
> Because our data are stored in an PostgresDB i tried to play a little bit 
> with Z3 and Postgres.
> While searching through the archives i think Z3 + SQLAlchemy + 
> zope.sqlalchemy is a rebust solution.
> Because the data are represented as a tree-structure i tried to reimplement
> a zope.app.folder.Folder, that the contained objects are fetched from 
> Postgres via zope.sqlalchemy.
> The good point here ist, that i could traverse to the object in the 
> Postgres-DB via
> "http://www.example.com/SAFolder/User/@@SelectedManagementView.html";.
> I could see the ZMI and modify the data inside the Postgres-DB.
> The only problem is with my Folder implementation.
> If i try to access it directly via
> "http://www.example.com/SAFolder/@@SelectedManagementView.html";
> i get the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File 
> "/root/virtualzope1/cmms1/buildout-eggs/zope.publisher-3.5.3-py2.4.egg/zope/publisher/publish.py",
>  line 133, in publish
>     result = publication.callObject(request, obj)
>   File 
> "/root/virtualzope1/cmms1/buildout-eggs/zope.app.publication-3.4.3-py2.4.egg/zope/app/publication/zopepublication.py",
>  line 167, in callObject
>     return mapply(ob, request.getPositionalArguments(), request)
>   File 
> "/root/virtualzope1/cmms1/buildout-eggs/zope.publisher-3.5.3-py2.4.egg/zope/publisher/publish.py",
>  line 108, in mapply
>     return debug_call(obj, args)
>    - __traceback_info__: <security proxied 
> zope.app.publisher.browser.viewmeta.ManagementViewSelector instance at 
> 0xaca466c>
>   File 
> "/root/virtualzope1/cmms1/buildout-eggs/zope.publisher-3.5.3-py2.4.egg/zope/publisher/publish.py",
>  line 114, in debug_call
>     return obj(*args)
>   File 
> "/root/virtualzope1/cmms1/buildout-eggs/zope.app.publisher-3.5.0-py2.4.egg/zope/app/publisher/browser/managementviewselector.py",
>  line 35, in __call__
>     item = getFirstMenuItem('zmi_views', self.context, self.request)
>   File 
> "/root/virtualzope1/cmms1/buildout-eggs/zope.app.publisher-3.5.0-py2.4.egg/zope/app/publisher/browser/menu.py",
>  line 195, in getFirstMenuItem
>     items = getMenu(id, object, request)
>   File 
> "/root/virtualzope1/cmms1/buildout-eggs/zope.app.publisher-3.5.0-py2.4.egg/zope/app/publisher/browser/menu.py",
>  line 190, in getMenu
>     return menu.getMenuItems(object, request)
>   File 
> "/root/virtualzope1/cmms1/buildout-eggs/zope.app.publisher-3.5.0-py2.4.egg/zope/app/publisher/browser/menu.py",
>  line 55, in getMenuItems
>     if item.available():
>   File 
> "/root/virtualzope1/cmms1/buildout-eggs/zope.app.publisher-3.5.0-py2.4.egg/zope/app/publisher/browser/menu.py",
>  line 134, in available
>     if not canAccess(view, '__call__'):
>   File 
> "/root/virtualzope1/cmms1/buildout-eggs/zope.security-3.5.2-py2.4-linux-i686.egg/zope/security/checker.py",
>  line 134, in canAccess
>     checker.check_getattr(obj, name)
> ForbiddenAttribute: ('__call__', <satest1.user.User object at 0xb47322c>)
> I hope someone could help me a little bit.
> Regards,
> Andre

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