Hi All,
       I am getting winlock.error :33 when trying to execute a function called 
connectZope (mentioned below). If i execute the same function when zope is not 
running, it works fine. I think this is bcoz of zope acquiring lock on data.fs 
when its running. Am i missing anything here or Is there any other way i can 
accomplish the same ( i wolud like to execute a python script (zope object)) 
from a background process instead of calling the same on the Web).   
Any help would be appreciated. 

def connectZope():
    from Zope2.Startup.run import configure
    import Zope2
    app = Zope2.app()
    return app

app = connectZope()

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 8, in ?
    app = connectZope()
  File "test.py", line 5, in connectZope
    app = Zope2.app()
  File "C:\Zope-2.8.4-final\lib\python\Zope2\__init__.py", line 51, in app
  File "C:\Zope-2.8.4-final\lib\python\Zope2\__init__.py", line 47, in startup
  File "C:\Zope-2.8.4-final\lib\python\Zope2\App\startup.py", line 56, in startu
    DB = configuration.dbtab.getDatabase('/', is_root=1)
  File "C:\Zope-2.8.4-final\lib\python\DBTab\DBTab.py", line 96, in getDatabase
    db = self._createDatabase(name, is_root)
  File "C:\Zope-2.8.4-final\lib\python\DBTab\DBTab.py", line 113, in _createData
    db = factory.open()
  File "C:\Zope-2.8.4-final\lib\python\Zope2\Startup\datatypes.py", line 163, in
    DB = self.createDB()
  File "C:\Zope-2.8.4-final\lib\python\Zope2\Startup\datatypes.py", line 160, in
    return ZODBDatabase.open(self)
  File "C:\Zope-2.8.4-final\lib\python\ZODB\config.py", line 97, in open
    storage = section.storage.open()
  File "C:\Zope-2.8.4-final\lib\python\ZODB\config.py", line 133, in open
  File "C:\Zope-2.8.4-final\lib\python\ZODB\FileStorage\FileStorage.py", line 11
2, in __init__
    self._lock_file = LockFile(file_name + '.lock')
  File "C:\Zope-2.8.4-final\lib\python\ZODB\lock_file.py", line 63, in __init__
  File "C:\Zope-2.8.4-final\lib\python\ZODB\lock_file.py", line 33, in lock_file

    _LockFile(file.fileno(), 0, 0, 1, 0)
winlock.error: 33

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