Re: [Zope] Zope and wxPython interface

2009-08-14 Thread Lumír Jasiok

Jim Washington wrote:

Lumír Jasiok wrote:

David Bear wrote:

What do you gain by doing this?

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Lumir Jasiok>> wrote:


I need to write an application which will be based on MVC design and
will have both web interface and desktop GUI based on wxPython. It is
possible to write such an application as standard Zope app and use
zope.interfaces package for defining wxPython GUI as other view
(I hope
that it's called view, I am not sure - I am new in Zope
programming)? Or
am I totally wrong?

Best Regards

Lumir Jasiok

Lumír Jasiok
VSB-TU Ostrava - Computer centre
Tel: +420 59 732 3189


I want to have an application with common code for both web and
desktop application, so data and business logic will be common and
only thing which will be different will be a view (web page or desktop
application GUI). So users will have choice what interface they want
to use, data will be same.

As programmer I want to have common code for business logic, because
of simplicity. I don't want to have two trunks, two business logics etc.

Hi, Lumir

You might take a look at pyjamas (  Using pyjamas, you
can have common code for business logic and also for the GUI on web and
desktop.  The main data transfer/persistence mechanism in pyjamas is
JSON-RPC, so that part of the model can be zope or anything that can do

If you like wxPython GUI code, pyjamas code is very similar, and there
are examples using PureMVC ( in the repository. 

You cannot, at present, use zope.interface to do automatic widget
generation in pyjamas. On the other hand, it is really easy to do custom
widgets and client-side display logic.  You write your widgets and their
behavior in python, not in HTML and javascript.  Styling, however, can
be done with css.

In the eight months since I first experimented with pyjamas
(, it has
improved substantially.  Fewer gotchas. More joy.  Worth a look.

- Jim Washington


Hi Jim,

thanks for links, it looks interesting, I'll try it, but I don't know if 
this is right way. I can see that pyjamas code is little bit unstable, 
Pyjamas Desktop needs some patches and non-standard packages, so it will 
be a problem for deployment.

But I was looking at the Zope view capabilities again, and may by best 
solution will be write a XML-RPC view and remote client program based on 
XML-RPC (wxPython GUI) which will be able to view and/or modify content 
in Zope instance.

Any advices? Can I control whole Zope instance content using remote 
XML-RPC client or there is problem with some type of content? I know 
that XML-RPC has just few supported data types and I am not sure if this 
is sufficient for all content types in Zope. At this time I think that I 
will need just boolean, string, integer, float and binary data types, 
but I am not completely sure, I am just at the beginning of analyze.

Lumir Jasiok

Lumír Jasiok
VSB-TU Ostrava - Computer centre
Tel: +420 59 732 3189

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Re: [Zope] Zope and wxPython interface

2009-08-13 Thread Jim Washington
Lumír Jasiok wrote:
> David Bear wrote:
>> What do you gain by doing this?
>> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Lumir Jasiok > > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I need to write an application which will be based on MVC design and
>> will have both web interface and desktop GUI based on wxPython. It is
>> possible to write such an application as standard Zope app and use
>> zope.interfaces package for defining wxPython GUI as other view
>> (I hope
>> that it's called view, I am not sure - I am new in Zope
>> programming)? Or
>> am I totally wrong?
>> Best Regards
>> Lumir Jasiok
>> --
>> Lumír Jasiok
>> VSB-TU Ostrava - Computer centre
>> Tel: +420 59 732 3189
>> E-mail: 
> I want to have an application with common code for both web and
> desktop application, so data and business logic will be common and
> only thing which will be different will be a view (web page or desktop
> application GUI). So users will have choice what interface they want
> to use, data will be same.
> As programmer I want to have common code for business logic, because
> of simplicity. I don't want to have two trunks, two business logics etc.
Hi, Lumir

You might take a look at pyjamas (  Using pyjamas, you
can have common code for business logic and also for the GUI on web and
desktop.  The main data transfer/persistence mechanism in pyjamas is
JSON-RPC, so that part of the model can be zope or anything that can do

If you like wxPython GUI code, pyjamas code is very similar, and there
are examples using PureMVC ( in the repository. 

You cannot, at present, use zope.interface to do automatic widget
generation in pyjamas. On the other hand, it is really easy to do custom
widgets and client-side display logic.  You write your widgets and their
behavior in python, not in HTML and javascript.  Styling, however, can
be done with css.

In the eight months since I first experimented with pyjamas
(, it has
improved substantially.  Fewer gotchas. More joy.  Worth a look.

- Jim Washington

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Re: [Zope] Zope and wxPython interface

2009-08-13 Thread Lumír Jasiok

David Bear wrote:

What do you gain by doing this?

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Lumir Jasiok > wrote:


I need to write an application which will be based on MVC design and
will have both web interface and desktop GUI based on wxPython. It is
possible to write such an application as standard Zope app and use
zope.interfaces package for defining wxPython GUI as other view (I
that it's called view, I am not sure - I am new in Zope
programming)? Or
am I totally wrong?

Best Regards

Lumir Jasiok

Lumír Jasiok
VSB-TU Ostrava - Computer centre
Tel: +420 59 732 3189

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I want to have an application with common code for both web and desktop 
application, so data and business logic will be common and only thing 
which will be different will be a view (web page or desktop application 
GUI). So users will have choice what interface they want to use, data 
will be same.

As programmer I want to have common code for business logic, because of 
simplicity. I don't want to have two trunks, two business logics etc.


Lumír Jasiok
VSB-TU Ostrava - Computer centre
Tel: +420 59 732 3189

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Re: [Zope] Zope and wxPython interface

2009-08-12 Thread David Bear
What do you gain by doing this?

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Lumir Jasiok  wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to write an application which will be based on MVC design and
> will have both web interface and desktop GUI based on wxPython. It is
> possible to write such an application as standard Zope app and use
> zope.interfaces package for defining wxPython GUI as other view (I hope
> that it's called view, I am not sure - I am new in Zope programming)? Or
> am I totally wrong?
> Best Regards
> Lumir Jasiok
> --
> Lumír Jasiok
> VSB-TU Ostrava - Computer centre
> Tel: +420 59 732 3189
> E-mail:
> ___
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David Bear
College of Public Programs at ASU
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