I am pleased to announce the release of templer.buildout 1.0a1 and 

templer.core 1.0b2
   * fixes documentation errors in 1.0b1
   * fixes bug in templates with no license
   * moves the zc.buildout recipe template to the new templer.buildout package

templer.buildout 1.0a1
   * provides template for zc.buildout recipes
   * provides a barebones template for zc.buildout buildouts

The templer system is being designed to provide progressive support for 
different development scenarios.  You can install templer.core and get only the 
templates for namespace and nested namespace packages, or install 
templer.buildout and add templates for recipes and  buildouts.

$  virtualenv --no-site-packages templerenv
$  cd templerenv
$  source bin/activate
$  easy_install templer.buildout
$  bin/templer --list


basic_buildout: A basic buildout skeleton

   This creates a basic skeleton for a buildout.

recipe: A recipe project for zc.buildout

   This creates a skeleton for a buildout recipe.

Core Python

basic_namespace: A basic Python project with a namespace package

   This creates a Python project without any Zope or Plone features.

nested_namespace: A basic Python project with a nested namespace (2 dots in 

   This creates a Python project without any Zope or Plone features.

Please direct any questions or comments to the zopeskel list 
(zopeskel@lists.plone.org).  If you have yet to subscribe to this list, you can 
do so here:


many thanks for your interest and continued support


Cris Ewing
Webmaster, Lead Developer
Department of Radiology Web Services
University of Washington
School of Medicine
Work Phone: (206) 616-1288
Cell Phone: (206) 708-9083
E-mail: cew...@u.washington.edu
Web: http://www.rad.washington.edu

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