On 10/21/2010 06:15 AM, plone.org Administrator wrote:

A new issue has been submitted to the *Issue tracker* tracker by *Guido Stevens* and awaits confirmation.

        Issue Information

    addcontent atschema: plone4 blob support missing, breaks on
    relstorage (http://plone.org/products/zopeskel/issues/52)

I don't think making this change is a problem, but I think it does bring up something I think we've discussed before, but I can't recall if it's been implemented yet. ZopeSkel (Templer?!) templates need to record their settings into a file that local commands can read from (or be presented with a dict of). That way, the atschema local command would know if the archetype template was targeting plone 3 or 4 (or 2.5 or whatever).

I remember this idea coming up at the No-Fun BBQ Sprint, did we table it?

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