Of course, besides a good secret, there are two other options:

1) Use your firewall

Especially outside access to port 4369
Always good to block ports that should not be accessed by
random Internet users …

2) Let epmd only listen on

Before starting Zotonic set:


And in the erlang.config file add:

{kernel, [

3) Disable erlang distribution

Before starting Zotonic set:


Didn’t try the last two yet, so I welcome instructions to include
in the Zotonic documentation :)

Cheers, Marc

> On 5 Oct 2017, at 21:48, Marc Worrell <mworr...@me.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Erlang has builtin distribution, which is secured by a secret cookie.
> There have been some discussion about the possibility of brute-forcing this 
> cookie.
> Looking at the cookie generation code we are the opinion that there is not 
> enough entropy.
> That is why we advise strongly to use a different cookie than the one
> generated by Erlang.
> For this we have a simple script that you might run from the Zotonic/Erlang 
> shell.
> The script replaces the content of the “.erlang.cookie” file in the Zotonic 
> home
> directory and then sets the cookie of the running system to the newly 
> generated
> cookie.
> First connect with your Erlang shell:
> $ bin/zotonic shell
> Then run the following (assuming you have a UNIX alike system):
> begin
> Cookie = base64:encode(crypto:strong_rand_bytes(30)),
> F = filename:join(os:getenv("HOME"), ".erlang.cookie"),
> CurrCookie = atom_to_binary(erlang:get_cookie(), utf8),
> {ok, CurrCookie} = file:read_file(F),
> ok = file:change_mode(F, 8#600),
> ok = file:write_file(F, Cookie),
> erlang:set_cookie(node(), binary_to_atom(Cookie, utf8)),
> ok = file:change_mode(F, 8#400),
> binary_to_atom(Cookie, utf8)
> end.
> If the above doesn’t work, then you can do it manually:
> 1. Find the “.erlang.cookie” file in your Zotonic home directory.
> 2. Stop Zotonic
> 3. Replace the contents of the file
> 4. Start Zotonic.
> Kind regards,
> Marc
> -- 
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