I am pleased to announce the release of zutils 0.4.

Zutils is a collection of utilities for dealing with any combination of compressed and non-compressed files transparently. The supported compressors are gzip, bzip2, lzip and xz. The currently provided utilities are zcat, zcmp, zdiff, zgrep, zegrep and zfgrep.

The homepage is at http://www.nongnu.org/zutils/zutils.html.

The sources can be downloaded from http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/zutils/.

The md5sums are:
8822a96251285a92030b17fa60580a25  zutils-0.4.tar.gz
6551ed4c7f89f8788a0567b15cac3f66  zutils-0.4.tar.lz

Changes in version 0.4:

  * Two new utilities have been added; zegrep and zfgrep.

* Zutils now recognizes file formats independently of filename extensions.

Please send bug reports and suggestions to zutils-bug@nongnu.org

Antonio Diaz, zutils author and maintainer.

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