I am pleased to announce the release of zutils 0.9.

Zutils is a collection of utilities able to deal with any combination of compressed and non-compressed files transparently. If any given file, including standard input, is compressed, its decompressed content is used. Compressed files are decompressed on the fly; no temporary files are created. These utilities are not wrapper scripts but safer and more efficient C++ programs. In particular the "--recursive" option is very efficient in those utilities supporting it.

The provided utilities are zcat, zcmp, zdiff, zgrep and ztest.
The supported compressors are bzip2, gzip, lzip and xz.

The homepage is at http://www.nongnu.org/zutils/zutils.html.

The sources can be downloaded from

The md5sums are:
487eb9549793be6ed7c2de324d4f12df  zutils-0.9.tar.gz
a3c9116ca7d0a4f57e178f0d0926f99b  zutils-0.9.tar.lz

Changes in version 0.9:

  * Configure now allows the selection of diff and grep programs to use.

  * A deadlock in zcmp, which happened when files differ, has been fixed.

* A deadlock in zgrep, which happened when a binary file matches, has been fixed.

Please send bug reports and suggestions to zutils-bug@nongnu.org

If you are packaging zutils for a distribution, please, try to use the lzipped source tarball, as this can improve the support for the lzip format in packaging systems[1][2]. Thanks.
[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=556960
[2] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=249059

Antonio Diaz, zutils author and maintainer.

Zutils-bug mailing list

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