On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 01:08:48PM +0200, Lukas Appelhans wrote:
> The other thing I wanted to ask about is the availability of Appstream data 
> in 
> the opensuse repositories. From what I understood, the distributions tools 
> should provide this data (the appdata.xml in your case) in /usr/share/app-
> info/, but I can only find the categories.xml file there. Can anyone help me 
> with this?

If the data is supposed to be in a repository, how can it appear in
/usr/share/app-info? Or are you talking about the app data for installed

Anyway, the app data for repos is either in suse/setup/descr/appdata.xml.gz
(for susetags type repos), or in repodata/<shasum>-appdata.xml.gz
(for rpm-md type repos, data type "appdata" in repomd.xml).

Libzypp already downloads it, but I don't think it has an interface to
access it.


Michael Schroeder                                   m...@suse.de
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