On Sunday 10 July 2016 00:04:02 Shalom Ray wrote:
> It is supposed to be
> +++++++++++++++ init pool +++++++++++++++++++++++
> ResPool sat::pool(SERIAL(0))[2]{0repos|0slov}
>  ResObjects: 0
> =+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=
> to ensure no unwanted conflicts.
> Problem:
> So, is there a way to reset the sat pool before loading the enabled
> repos? I'm using the following code but wondering if there's a much
> better way to do it.
> >> Repository repo = s_zypp->pool().reposFind( "temp" );  // temp (alias)
> >> is the repo loaded into pool for temporary use repo.eraseFromPool();

That's fine.


    Michael Andres

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