On Sunday 08 June 2014 00:25:36 Maxim Neirreht wrote:
> Today, I was fixing my repositories, and did a first "zypper dup".
> Halfway thru the downloads, it failed due to a package listed in the
> repo, but not available as an RPM. 

This usually happens if you don't have 'autorefresh' turned on and forgot to 
do 'zypper refresh' too update the repos metadata. The outdated metadata may 
list packages which are no longer available in the repo.

> So I removed the offending 
> repository, and did a "zypper dup" again, hoping it would use the
> cache. But it re-downloaded everything, like nothing was.

If the previously downloaded packages came from the removed repository, the  
behavior could be ok because removing the repo also invalidates its packages.

In case of doubt please open an bugreport at https://bugzilla.novell.com 
(component: libzypp) and attach your /var/log/zypper.log.


    Michael Andres

Key fingerprint = 2DFA 5D73 18B1 E7EF A862  27AC 3FB8 9E3A 27C6 B0E4
Michael Andres   SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Development,   m...@suse.de
GF:Jeff Hawn,Jennifer Guild,Felix Imendörffer, HRB16746(AG Nürnberg) 
Maxfeldstrasse 5, D-90409 Nuernberg, Germany, ++49 (0)911 - 740 53-0
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