Someone said that they thought the tor download link on the wiki was  

... it is not as of now... it goes no where.

So it's apparently conclusive: I know of no source for anyone to  
download these documents at this time.

If someone does know, they may want to edit the wiki to reflect that...

But please -- if you do so -- build a bridge to "non-geeks."

Some of my favorite books are the "For Dummies" books. Yeah,  
sometimes those books really are dumb... but often those books smash  
smash SMASH the wall between those out-of-the-know and those in-the- 
know. That's why they're so popular! I love that attitude.

So take a lesson from some of the most popular series of how-to books  
of all times....

If you have some knowledge (such as about Tor).... spell it out in  
even a few simple steps and introductory info on the wiki.

And of course, leave NO acronyms unexplained... we already know  
you're smart!



Disclaimers: In the public interest, MindFreedom is forwarding the  
anonymous alerts referred to on this page and in our emails. MFI did  
not originate these alerts, MFI does not vouch for their authenticity  
or accuracy, that's all the information we have, MFI is not providing  
advice about the legality of downloading the materials, MFI is not  
encouraging anyone to do illegal activities, and MFI is not providing  
these materials for download.

David Oaks, Director
MindFreedom International
454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284
Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA

office phone: (541) 345-9106
fax: (541) 345-3737
member services toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRID[e] or 1-877-623-7743

United Action for Human Rights in Mental Health.

MindFreedom International is an independent
non-profit uniting 100 sponsor groups
to win human rights & alternatives in mental health.
Accredited by the United Nations as a
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with
Consultative Roster Status.

Join now!

"Human salvation lies in the hands of the
creatively maladjusted." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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