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searchDominoThis Week
February 24, 2003 >> Receive this email as text  >> About this email 
 In this Issue

>> From the editor:
  • Domino security concerns
  • >> Featured Topic:
  • Domino administration
  • >> Expert Technical Advice:
  • Featured expert: Chuck Connell
  • Developer tip: Check Internet password
  • >> Site Highlights:
  • Submit a tip and win
  • Take our new poll: How do you rate Domino security?
  • New white paper

  •  From the Editor:

    by Jon Panker, News Editor

    If you ask administrators what they like so much about Domino, one thing that may come to mind is that it's usually very resistant to outside threats. Yet last week Next Generation Security Software, a security consultancy, issued warnings for three possible buffer overflow problems in Domino 6. To its credit, Lotus seemed to jump on this quickly, posting patches and making it clear that the latest release -- Domino 6.0.1 -- shores up these vulnerabilities. Plus, the threats were isolated in the lab before any user experienced a problem.

    It's been a while since we've asked you about your impressions of Domino security. Is it as attack-proof as possible? Or is it just as susceptible to security problems as other messaging and collaboration platforms? Drop me an e-mail and share your thoughts. Or take our poll.

    Jon Panker
    News Editor

     Featured Topic:

    Domino administration
    by Kurt Ringleben, Assistant Editor
    You can't run Domino and Notes successfully without high-quality system administration and security. Here's a roundup of our most popular admin tips, admin news stories, admin Webcasts and books to help you run, secure and maintain your system.

    Read more about this topic

     Expert Technical Advice:

    Featured expert Chuck Connell
    Category: Security

    Chuck Connell is president of CHC-3 Consulting , which helps organizations with all aspects of Domino and Notes, especially security and administration. Prior to CHC-3, Chuck worked at Lotus Development Corp. as the development manager for the Notes API kit, and as a result, he knows Domino/Notes from the inside out. Chuck teaches software engineering at Boston University and publishes frequently on computer topics, including recent articles in Lotus Today and Developer.com. As a service to the Domino community, Chuck runs the popular security web site DominoSecurity.org . He also helps organizations to outsource their Domino administration needs via the web site www.DominoAdministration.com

    View all Chuck's answers

    This Week: In the forums
    >> How vulnerable is Domino? Post your thoughts in our security forum.

    Tip of the Week:
    Developer Tip: Check Internet password
    By Don Lawton
    We allow our Web users to change their Internet password, but to avoid a passerby of a logged in browser to use the feature, the current password must be entered. Here's how...
    >> View the full tip and code

     Site Highlights

    Take our new poll:

    What grade do you give Domino for its security features?


    Is your company interested in Lotus' next-generation e-mail for "deskless" workers?

    • 51%: Yes
    • 26%: No
    • 23%: Not sure

    Vote here

    New white paper

    Practical advice to help you choose the right help desk software

    This white paper offers step-by-step procedures and timelines for implementing an efficient, productive help desk system.

    View the white paper
    Submit a tip and win!
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    This is your last chance to submit a tip to win the pair of Motorola TalkAbout T5420 two-way radios. So what are you waiting for? Submit a tip today!

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    Free white papers
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