sure, np. i enjoyed it. i've sent the slides to jonathan already so he'll
post them soon!


On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 7:47 AM, jentzen mooney <>wrote:

> I saw on the meeting notes page that Wesley Chun will be posting his slides
> from his talk soon.
> I just wanted to say Thank you to Wesley Chun, for speaking and sharing
> his slides.
> :)
> I hope it was a good meeting.
> -Jentzen
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Casey Durfee <>
> *To:* Seattle Python Interest Group <>
> *Sent:* Monday, October 17, 2011 5:34 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [SEAPY] solr django and python recommendations
> I've done several big projects (tens of millions of documents) with Solr
> and Python.
> I think it's one of those things where if you're not familiar with Solr,
> you're better off doing things by hand first as a way to learn how it works.
>  And if you are doing something complex or know Solr really well, you might
> find a specific library more trouble than it's worth.
> The main issues I encounter with Solr are:
> 1. Designing a good Solr data model
> 2. Detecting changed records in the DB and updating Solr efficiently
> 3. Dealing with Solr's rules about stopwords, stemming, tokenizing, etc. of
> search terms and text and getting the right combo of them for the problem
> you're trying to solve
> 4. Getting relevancy ranking to be good (tuning the weighting between
> different query fields in Solr, and/or re-sorting results based on database
> attributes after you get an initial rough result set from Solr.)
> 5. Massaging funky or incomplete data you want to index, munging character
> sets, etc.
> A client library isn't really going to solve any of those for you, I don't
> think (except maybe #1 and #2, and probably not that well).  They might help
> you get to a working solution marginally faster, but at the cost of you
> having to go back and learn Solr anyway if you what it gives you
> automagically isn't good enough in any number of ways.
> Jython would probably only come into play in my book if you wanted to write
> a tokenizer/filter/query analyzer for Solr to use and needed to plug into
> someone else's Java code as a part of that.  Since you can pre-process the
> data before you send it to Solr, however, I've never had occasion to write a
> Solr plugin directly.  It makes more sense to me to have all of your
> indexing logic in one place -- meaning do as much massaging as possible
> before sending data to Solr, instead of half of your logic in shell scripts
> and half in server-side Solr plugins.
> Given how efficient Solr is at this point, and how much hassle it saves you
> overall, I don't see a big advantage in interfacing directly with
> (Py)Lucene.
> --Casey
> On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Christopher Bare <
>> wrote:
> Hi Pythonistas,
> Does anyone have experience accessing a Solr search engine from
> Python? There are several bindings out there, so if anyone has a
> recommendation, I'd appreciate it.
> Our needs are probably on the lighter end of the spectrum: moderate
> traffic, tens of thousands building to hundreds of thousands of search
> terms over time. Infrequent updates, accesses are mostly read.
> I looked briefly at Haystack and wasn't too excited by it. Too much
> "automagic" stuff going on. Plus, I like the idea of defining my own
> Solr schema, rather than directly mapping Django models into Solr.
> Sunburt looks pretty good, at first glance.
> Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks!
> - Chris

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"Core Python", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001
"Python Fundamentals", Prentice Hall, (c)2009

wesley.chun : : @wescpy
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca

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