Have you taken your question to the firewall-wizards list maintained by
phoneboy?  This is the absolute best resource on the web for Checkpoint
firewall related help:

Good luck

-----Original Message-----
From: simon chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 3:52 AM
Subject: unable to create password in IKE authentication tab

Hi securityfocus,

we have a NT box running NT v4.0 with sp6a with Checkpoint
VPN-1/Firewall-4.1 with sp1.

We are trying to configure a client to gateway vpn.

We've set up the checkpoint to use IKE.

However, we try to create the user in 
Manage -> Users -> Edit -> Encryption -> IKE( client
encryption method) -> Edit -> Authentication.

The password field is being grey off.

Having talk to our vendor, they advised us to upgrade
the fw gui which is currently sp1.

We've upgraded the fw gui to sp4 but still couldn't enter
the info to the password field.

Please advise.

Best Rgds,


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