
 I would look for patterns. I'm sorry that I don't have time right now (i have to move 
over the ocean in a month), but take several spams and look into the header... And 
look for the last "relly-to:" - sometimes it has an IP of the spammer. Whois that IP, 
dig that IP too (and maybe ping or nmap if ICMP are filtered)... See who is the first 
relaying SMTP and also look for patherns in regular e-mails.

 After you are done, you might find that spam comes through strange routes and that 
these routes are destinguishable from "normal" e-mail, so one can apply "pre-filter" 
on a router or firewall, where these e-mails will be dropped.

 And the last instance is to work with the networks that are involved before it gets 
to yours... ISPs etc.

 Many of the spamms are originated from Holland and Italy (at least most of the ones I 

 Maybe setting a "hard route" through your ISP in the same SMTP domain would be also 

 I hope this was of any help...

 Good luck -- Tomas

> Hi everyone,
> For the past 10 days, our mail exchange server has
> been getting flooded with emails. It appears that an
> attacker is sending out tons of spam through various
> open relays and using our address
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in the return path. so
> essentially, all bounced emails are coming back to our
> mail server - we're seeing about 30,000 NDRs per day.
> I am using filters to delete the incoming email, but
> does anyone else have any other ideas on how to get
> this stopped? Since the NDRs are coming from
> legitimate sources, checking for open relays wont do
> me any good.
> Help!!!
> Kip.
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