The W3C XML Security Working Group has just released 7 first public working drafts of new XML Signature and Encryption specifications. If you use or are interested in JSR 105 (Java XML Digital Signature API) or JSR 106 (Java XML Encryption API), please try to review them and send any comments you have to the XML Security working group. These drafts include revisions to XML Signature and Encryption to support new algorithms, a new document proposing simplifications to the XML Signature Transform model to enhance performance and security, and several other new specifications.

Here is the announcement from the W3C Working Group chair:

The W3C XML Security Working Group [1] has published [2] First Public Working Drafts related to XML Security and requests feedback on these documents. Comment may be sent to the list . If possible please indicate the document in the subject line.

(1) XML Signature Syntax and Processing Version 1.1

(2) XML Encryption Syntax and Processing Version 1.1

(3) XML Signature Transform Simplification: Requirements and Design

(4) XML Security Use Cases and Requirements

(5) XML Security Derived Keys

(6) XML Signature Properties

(7) XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference

The Working Group has also published an updated working draft of XML Signature Best Practices:

(8) XML Signature Best Practices

The Working Group would appreciate review of these documents, with special attention to the algorithms listed in XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1, the proposed 2.0 changes in the Transform Simplification document and Use Cases and Requirements. Again, comment may be sent to the list .

Thank you

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair XML Security WG



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