On 2/17/2016 4:23 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 17/02/2016 08:19, Tim Du wrote:
Follow you suggestion, I updated the code as below:
1.Create java.base/sun/security/ssl under test/sun/security/ssl/StatusStapling/, move all test files and dependency class into java.base/sun/security/ssl ,removed the jtreg label from test java files. 2.Create java.base/sun/security/testlibrary , add CertficateBuilder.java and SimpleOCSPServer.java into this folder, so that StatusResponseManagerTests.java could access them by java.base .
3.Add TestRun.java to load all test.

The new webrev is http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tidu/8134487/webrev.02/ , please help to have a look,Thank you.
Good, looks like you have it figured out now.

Can you use "hg mv" to move the files and re-generate the weberv? With webrev.02 then it's impossible to see what has changed.
Sure. I am aslo updated java.base/sun/security/testlibrary to test/java/security/testlibrary/ , so that keep the testlibrary files could be reused by other tests. Re-generate the latest webrev is http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tidu/8134487/webrev.03/ , Thanks.



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