Hi all,

This fixes a couple problems. The first is a file descriptor leak in the SSLSocketWithStapling test. The second is a thread exhaustion issue that can happen when many many (> 1000) SSLContext objects are created with StatusResponseManagers. I think this is a pretty far flung edge case in the real world, but our test framework manages to hit it from time to time. By allowing the core threads in the StatusResponseManager to time out, it prevents the system from running out of threads when so many SSLContext objects are created and used to support servers that have stapling enabled (all of that has to be true to run into this issue). I was able to create over 100K SSLContext objects in rapid succession without running into any kind of thread exhaustion with this fix.

I also added a discard policy for another rare case (one I haven't seen happen) where the thread pool could be completely busy and another job needs to be serviced. Rather than the default policy which throws an exception, it is better to discard the job so the connection can proceed, even if the result might be that stapling is disabled for that connection. Again, an exceedingly rare edge case, one never seen even in performance tests.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8143302
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jnimeh/reviews/8143302/webrev.01/


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