Hi Claes,

The text of JEP 277 [1] has the following:
Given the history of deprecation in Java SE, and the emphasis on long term API compatibility across versions, removal of an API is a matter of serious concern. Therefore, deprecation with the element |forRemoval=true| should be applied only when there is a clear and definite plan for removing that API in the next release of the Java SE platform.
It sounds like Sean has identified enough dependencies on these APIs that they shouldn't be removed in JDK 10, so not marking them forRemoval=true in JDK 9 makes sense.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/277

On 2/2/17 1:22 PM, Claes Redestad wrote:

AFAIU, forRemoval=true is not saying anything about *when* each deprecated method/class will be removed (although there might be an expectation that it should be in the next major release if possible, i.e., 10); if there's concern like here that some known application or library won't be ready for it then I dont see why we shouldnt simply defer the actual removal to some later release rather than drop the intent to remove like this.


Sean Mullan <sean.mul...@oracle.com> skrev: (2 februari 2017 19:35:03 CET)

    Please review this change to undo, or remove the forRemoval=true element
    from the Deprecated annotation of a number of security APIs. Since
    marking these APIs for removal in a future version of SE, it has since
    been reported that some external applications/code are still using these
    APIs, and there is concern that there may not be enough advance notice
    to adapt their code to transition away from these legacy APIs and/or
    replace them with newer APIs before they would be removed.



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