A few comments so far; have not finished my review yet.

General comment:

Many of these tests test more than XDH. That is fine and good for increasing coverage, but have you looked through existing tests to see if you are duplicating anything we are already testing and maybe those tests could be removed or you could share the same code. One of the things we should be looking at is to figure out how to reduce the overall time the security tests take.

* KeyAgreementTest.java

128         // Uses platform supported provider to test interoperability.

What do you mean by "platform supported provider"? Isn't this based on the provider search order? So in some cases, you might be testing against the same provider and not really doing interop testing?

* KeySizeTest.java

You are generating some large keys - any issues with test timeouts? Do we need to test the generation of the keypairs? Could we use cached keypairs instead?


On 3/26/18 12:38 PM, Sibabrata Sahoo wrote:

Please review the patch for,

JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8184359

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssahoo/8184359/webrev.00/

All the Test files uses KeyAgreement, KeyPairGenerator, Several KeySpecs from SunJCE library to Test DiffieHellman, ECDH and XDH with curve25519 and curve448 algorithms. Each Test files try to address several cases and the purpose of each has been commented in their own files.



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