Round 5.

This adds Sean's comments.  Sean, I was never able to execute a case on init where a half-baked object would fail.  In most cases it would fail in checks in javax.crypto.Cipher before it ever made it down to my code.  I'm pretty confident the init sequence is OK.  I did move the setting of a few data members toward the end of the init sequence but setting the key and nonce is necessary before creating the initial state, which is then used for generating an authentication key for AEAD mode and generating keystream.

Also the CSR has been finalized and can be found here:


On 04/27/2018 02:21 PM, Jamil Nimeh wrote:

Round 4 of updates for ChaCha20 and ChaCha20-Poly1305, minor stuff mostly:

  * Added words in the description of javax.crypto.Cipher recommending
    callers reinitialize the Cipher to use different nonces after each
    complete encryption or decryption (similar language to what exists
    already for AES-GCM encryption).
  * Added an additional test case for ChaCha20NoReuse
  * Made accessor methods for ChaCha20ParameterSpec final and cleaned
    up the code a bit based on comments from the field.



On 04/13/2018 11:59 AM, Jamil Nimeh wrote:
Round 3 of updates for ChaCha20 and ChaCha20-Poly1305:

* Removed the key field in ChaCha20 and Poly1305 implementations and only retain the key bytes as an object field (thanks Thomas for catching this)

* Added additional protections against key/nonce reuse.  This is a behavioral change to ChaCha20 and ChaCha20-Poly1305. Instances of these ciphers will no longer allow you to do subsequent doUpdate/doFinal calls after the first doFinal without re-initializing the cipher with either a new key or nonce. Attempting to reuse the cipher without a new initialization will throw an IllegalStateException.  This is similar to the behavior of AES-GCM in encrypt mode, but for ChaCha20 it needs to be done for both encrypt and decrypt.


On 04/10/2018 03:34 PM, Jamil Nimeh wrote:
Hello everyone,

This is a quick update to the previous webrev:

* When using the form of engineInit that does only takes op, key and random, the nonce will always be random even if the random parameter is null.  A default instance of SecureRandom will be used to create the nonce in this case, instead of all zeroes.

* Unused debug code was removed from the file

* ChaCha20Parameters.engineToString no longer obtains the line separator from a System property directly.  It calls System.lineSeparator() similar to how other AlgorithmParameter classes in com.sun.crypto.provider do it.



On 03/26/2018 12:08 PM, Jamil Nimeh wrote:
Hello all,

This is a request for review for the ChaCha20 and ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher implementations.  Links to the webrev and the JEP which outlines the characteristics and behavior of the ciphers are listed below.


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